SNACSchool Extra Materials

SNACSchool Schedule July 2024


User Interface and Account Information PDF

Name Elements PDF

This document breaks down different types of names (Persons, Corporate Bodies, Families) and gives examples for parsing names

SNAC Relationship Types PDF

A chart of all the Relationship types for the Internal CPFs and their reciprocals (when appropriate). Includes definitions and notes for when to use certain relationship types

SNAC Editing Cheat Sheet - Persons PDF

SNAC Editing Cheat Sheet - Corporate Bodies PDF

SNAC Editing Cheat Sheet - Families PDF

Printed Sources Cheat Sheet PDF

Authority File List PDF

A list of all the Authority files avalible in External CPF 

Authority ID Cheat Sheet PDF Updated June 2023

Demonstrates how to find all the Authority IDs in the various files for the External CPFs. A mostly complete guide; stay tuned for more updates

Adding Images To SNAC PDF

Images do not appear automatically in SNAC; this will explain how to add images from Wikimedia Commons to SNAC constellations.

Troubleshooting Guide PDF