Director: Daniel Pitti, University of Virginia
Operations Manager: Jerry Simmons, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Technology Lead: Jason Jordan, University of Virginia
Additional administrative support provided as needed by the University of Virginia Library
Additional technology infrastructure support provided by the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia
Governing Bodies
Operations Committee:
Operations Manager
Technical Lead
Chairs of the four governance working groups
Communications Working Group
The Communication Group facilitates information sharing within the cooperative. Responsibilities include assessment and creation of both internal and external communication plans for the SNAC Cooperative. The Group is also responsible for creating communication materials to be used by the Cooperative in wider communication efforts.
Chair: Sarah Wells, University of Virginia
The Editorial Policy and Standards Group
The Editorial Policy and Standards Group’s responsibilities include developing editorial policy and standards to ensure reliable, consistent, and sourced (based on cited evidence) description of CPF entities, and the quality of controlled terms used in the description.
Chair: Betts Coup, Harvard University
Technical Infrastructure Working Group
The Technology Infrastructure Group has four primary roles. 1) Based on recommendations from the Editorial Policy and Standards Group, the Technology Group provides consultation, feedback, and develop specifications for implementing policy requirements. 2) The Technology Group also evaluates and recommend computational batch data refinement when needed across the entire SNAC corpus. 3) It identifies member data refinement needs and refinement tool opportunities that would benefit members in improving the quality of local data that is related to SNAC data. 4) Finally, it works with the Technology Lead in working with outside developers that are building or planning to build SNAC editing and data exchange tools using the SNAC API.
Chair: Alex Duryee, New York Public Library
Reference and Research Working Group
The SNAC Reference and Research Working Group is charged with the following: increasing awareness of SNAC as a research resource for reference professionals and researchers, improving the effectiveness of SNAC as a research tool and expanding its audiences, creating training and documentation for using SNAC for research, and assisting SNAC administrators with incoming reference questions.
Chair: Marisa Bourgoin, Archives of American Art
SNACSchool has four primary roles: developing training materials for editors, developing effective methods of training, training editors, and training trainers.
Chair: Jerry Simmons, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Director and Instructor: Jerry Simmons, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Betts Coup, Harvard University
Dina Herbert, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Kit Messick, Smith College
Becca Morgan, American Museum of Natural History